Public History

Public History

In addition to their scientific research activities, the scientists of the Chair and those associated with it are also intensively engaged in communicating the resulting findings to a broad public. This ranges from podcasts and film series to (digital) exhibitions. Fellows of the GLORE project are given the opportunity to develop a public history project during their stay. The results of this broad range of public history initiatives can be found in this section.

  • Transit. The Podcast on Migration History
    In the sixth episode of the “Transit” podcast, Philipp Strobl talks to historian Susanne Korbel, a researcher at the Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Graz. She provides insights into migration-related changes in cultural practices and the influence of migration and displacement on popular culture in Austria.
  • “I fled to Shanghai”
    During his fellowship in the ERC project “GLORE”, the historian Mátyás Mervay worked on a way to communicate the results of his research on the journalist Ladislaus Frank to a broad public. He succeeded in embedding micro-historical-biographical aspects in a global-historical context and visualising them in the form of an immersive storymap.
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